Boone dredge pump drive

Boone has supplied a dredge pump drive for a dredging company as a replacement for the existing installation.

Dredging company
Design and supply of drive ANp 40-68 Z

P = 1100 kW, n1 = 1500 rpm 


P = 1040 kW, n1 = 1500 rpm 

i = 4.3 : 1, n2 = 348 rpm 

Hopper dredging

P = 590 kW, n1 = 1500 rpm 

i = 6 : 1, n2 = 247 rpm 

The gearbox as originally mounted did not meet the strength calculations normally used for a dredge pump drive. 

Since this gearbox had been repaired several times by the customer, they wanted a new gearbox with higher reliability. 

Boone made a thorough calculation and new design based on the existing dimensions. Therefore, the new gearbox could be mounted in the dredge pump drive train without major changes.  

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