JaKe generator gearbox

Boone has overhauled one of the generator gearboxes for an existing cutter suction dredger.

Dredging company
Overhaul Jahnel Kestermann generator gearbox type AS 360/1400

The gearbox was previously overhauled by a local workshop, but this overhaul was not carried out correctly. The teeth had no clearance after machining the housing. 

After inspection in our workshop the housing was machined and provided with bushings. The gears have been reground to remove some damage. After this, the unit was assembled and some modifications were made, such as a modified oil pump drive and labyrinth seals instead of rubber shaft seals. All this in a very short period of time.  

After everything was found to be in order, the gear unit was tested and accepted by the customer to complete satisfaction.  

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